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Веды о мужчине и женщине

Методика построения правильных отношений

The book talks about problems in relationships between a man and a woman from the perspective of Vedic knowledge. Vedic culture still maintains traditions based on a deep understanding of the principles of harmonious relationships.

The experience of past generations will help you in solving family problems. The book is not a philosophical treatise divorced from reality. She gives practical advice that can really improve your life.


Автор Торсунов Олег Геннадьевич (Веды о мужчине и женщине)

Форматы файла книги: EPUB, FB2, MOBI, PDF

Артикул a18929 Категория


ИП Разин Иван Александрович
ИНН: 771901754129 / ОГРНИП: 324774600434952