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How to relieve internal tension in your head?


November 28, 2019

Have a nice day! I wanted to ask you for advice. My eldest daughter constantly feels internal tension in her head and cannot relieve it. This happens to her from time to time. She tries to run; according to Oleg Gennadievich’s lectures, she began to stand near the trees (pine). But it can’t last more than 40 minutes; severe headaches begin. This affects her work and personal life. Tell me how you can deal with this?

Hello Louise! It's good that your daughter is trying to run. If she gets a headache after standing near a pine tree, then this tree is not suitable for her. If you choose the right tree, there will be no such reaction, but relief and calm. Of course, this internal tension will affect both work and personal life. First of all, your daughter needs to analyze in what situations internal tension arises. Does it occur in the morning or evening, after meals or outside of meals? Because these can be both psychological problems and problems related to physiology.  

About the reasons

Internal tension in the head and neck can occur due to gallbladder disease and biliary dyskinesia. It may occur from excessive overstrain of the visual analyzer due to prolonged work at the computer. This may be osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This can arise from a psycho-emotional state, when a person is afraid of something, must restrain his emotions, although he wants to speak out, when a person is forced to behave differently than he would like, that is, he has to not be himself. Such tension can appear when a person does not adhere to the daily routine, when a person goes to bed late and gets up early or goes to bed late and gets up late. You need to sleep from 21 pm to 5 or 6 am maximum. You shouldn't get overtired. It is necessary to walk in the fresh air. You also need to pay attention to nutrition. I can advise you to contact our center for a nutrition consultation, which also includes a health consultation. We will sort out all these issues with you and in the future it will be possible to decide something. It’s difficult to say something definitive. Here you need to conduct a thorough analysis of the reasons and only then can you say what to do about it, since in each specific case the tactics may be different.

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