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I want to serve in the temple, my husband is against it


December 10, 2019

Hello! I had a desire in my heart to serve in the temple. Come and do something, some work. But my husband is against this. How should I deal with this situation? Can I lie to my husband that I’m going for a walk with my friends, and go to church myself and do work? I will be very grateful for the answer.


Hello Maria. It is a very noble desire to serve in the temple, but it is not worth destroying your family for the sake of it. After all, your family is also a small temple that the Lord built by uniting you. And first you need to learn how to serve it well. If a woman’s house is a mess, her husband is hungry, her children are not looked after, but she serves in church - this is hypocrisy and false spirituality. A woman’s ministry begins in the family, and if she has the strength and time, she can also serve in church. Usually the husband is against it if the wife does not fulfill her duties to the family, or it seems to him that she has fallen into a sect and will be taken away from home, and he will not be able to do anything. Accordingly, the issue must be resolved based on its cause. Organize your life in the first case, in the second - show your husband where you want to go and what you will do there, introduce him to the main people. If this is a spiritual tradition familiar to him, then he may accept your desire. If not, then things get even more complicated. You can visit the temple from time to time and even help, but not to the detriment of the family. And even more so to lie. Remember that relationships are more important than serving in the temple, since your family is your service to God. May your wishes come true in the best possible way.

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