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Should you tolerate domestic violence?

Oleg Torsunov: “Yourclose person is only an instrument in the hands of your destiny.”

Most often, people begin to listen to Oleg Gennadievich’s lectures when a difficult period begins in their life and it becomes unbearable to live as before. What to do when a loved one begins to show aggression, get angry and, moreover, raise his hand against you?

You should know that as soon as a loved one resorts to assault, you must immediately leave and live separately (not get divorced), stop communicating with him and not allow yourself to be humiliated. Some women, wanting to save their family, believe in their husbands’ repentance, forgive them for their antics, and then, with the next outburst of anger, they are again faced with the same result.

Our mistake is that we think that a family can only be saved if the spouses live together. However, when a family undergoes a critical moment, the best option is to leave before it’s too late, because this is the only way to save both relationships and life. Moreover, by allowing her husband to commit violence, a woman destroys not only her own destiny, but also the destiny of her children, as well as her husband.

Should a wife really be responsible for her husband’s actions, you ask? A noteworthy statement here from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s story “The Little Prince”: “We are always responsible for those we have tamed”. Yes, we are responsible for the actions of our loved ones, just as they are responsible for ours. After all, if we allow sin to occur, then part of this sin will certainly return to us.

Meanwhile, the husband has his own destiny and karma, and he will certainly get what he deserves. But should you worry about this? As Saint Matrona said: “Each sheep will be hung by its own tail. What do you care about other people’s ponytails?”So it’s better to think about how you should behave in this situation.

About victory over fate

To prevent the situation from happening again, you need to stop being offended by your husband, but, on the contrary, pray for him. No matter how difficult it is, I need to understand that my destiny works through him. You can think as much as you want about what a scoundrel and scoundrel he is, but know that in the heart of your husband, as in yours, the same Lord lives, therefore everything that your husband does, be it pious or sinful activity, is sanctioned from above. For this reason, you need to fight not with your husband, but with your destiny, which is embodied in him. Without this understanding, it is impossible to solve this problem at all.

- Your loved one is only an instrument in the hands of your destiny. He cannot do anything good or bad, fate simply works through him. There is always a choice: to suffer or to use knowledge for a relationship with fate. The knowledge is this: if I pray and concentrate on God, then the bad fate dissolves, loses its power. The energy of time, fate and difficulties melt under the influence of the power of God. Even just when we listen about God and how to live correctly, fate melts. When we come into contact with the right force, anger and bad memories of a loved one go away and more good memories appear,” notes Oleg Gennadievich.

A good memory makes it possible to save your family, the opportunity to pray and think kindly about a loved one, despite the fact that now he is giving you the fruits of your past actions. For most of us this is a very high level. After all, a woman who has experienced beatings and humiliation from the person she loves often cannot get up from the knees of her fate. But the path to happiness and victory over fate lies in overcoming it. When a woman tunes in to the challenges of believing in God and fights her bad fate, she becomes invincible.

— A woman is always mentally stronger than a man. Until the war begins, a woman may think that she is so weak and defenseless. But when a woman begins to behave correctly and defends her rights, then a man can never be stronger than her. This is impossible. A woman’s internal psychic cylinder is six times stronger than a man’s, so it is useless to fight with a woman,” explains Oleg Torsunov.

Therefore, Oleg Gennadievich advises, with the help of prayer, to calm our mind and accept everything that God gives us, and then life will become easier, even if everything in the family is now going to hell. When you begin to conquer your destiny, your husband, seeing your strength and spirit, will be mentally weakened, and all his agility with his fists will fade into the background. He will gradually begin to sober up. The Vedas say that the wall of fate only seems so harsh and insurmountable. Fate always has a terrifying effect, frightening a person and making him helpless, but if we accept it, it immediately retreats and begins to lose power.

- Understand that in this world there is nothing stronger than fate except the power of God, which puts this very fate in its place. Therefore, accept your fate through prayer and stop complaining to everyone, since no one can live it for you. This is your destiny, and you must conquer it with your inner strength. You have no other choice,” emphasizes Oleg Torsunov.

Therefore, there is no need to succumb to grief and despair. In this life, you need to look at everything in the long term, and not momentarily. The Vedas say that if a man behaves badly, drinks, is rowdy, then in his next life he will be born in the body of a woman whose husband acts in exactly the same way towards her as she did in the past. Therefore, if someone treats us badly, this does not mean that these people are bad. This suggests that we ourselves treated them poorly, and are now reaping the benefits. This is how the law of karma works.

In a critical situation, we need to understand that now we are being punished, and we must accept this. This means that now there will be no happiness and you need to pray with all your might, because this problem did not come without reason. Some people think that a happy life is a life when there are no problems, but God has a different opinion. He thinks: “That’s why I created you so that you could solve this problem.” But we, as a rule, do not want to solve anything; it is easier for us to blame someone else for our problems, and here we are like little children who do not want to be punished.

If you put a child in a corner, and he will brace himself with his arms and legs and keep shouting: “I don’t want to!” I won’t!”, then he will stand there even longer. If the child accepts his punishment, then it becomes easier for him. This means that he accepts his fate. Seeing his humility, his parents soften and release him from punishment earlier than they had previously planned. It's the same with us. The scheme of actions is the same. As long as we resist, God will punish us more and more, but as soon as we accept His will and begin to move upward, the situation will begin to change. Fate will unfold in a different, more favorable direction.

What to do?

If your husband begins to raise his hand against you, then the first thing you need to do is protect yourself, that is, live separately. If you have nowhere to go, then stay with your husband; if possible, move to another room. But under no circumstances allow yourself warm communication with him, do not act as if nothing happened and you have forgiven everything. This will only make the situation worse.

Just carry out your duties regarding cooking, cleaning and washing, but do not shorten the distance, because in this situation you are like a trainer who is in the same cage with a lion. Everyone knows that if a man hits once, it means he can hit him a second time. Your task is not to maintain peace in the family at the cost of your own sacrifice. The goal is to ensure that this situation is imprinted in your husband’s mind and does not repeat itself in the future. The most remarkable thing is that a man who beats his wife does not have a functioning mind, otherwise he would not have committed such acts. That is why prayer is needed to awaken reason in him.

But first, accept your fate that you have been given such a life, and then pray for your husband, thus fighting bad karma. If you are in the same house with your husband, then turn on quietly spiritual music, cleanse the house with prayers with fire and incense, make a small altar, illuminate food, make holy water and quietly sprinkle it on the room in which he lives, and, of course, immerse yourself in prayer. If you devote an hour to prayer every day, then peace will come into your life, and there will be complete victory in your heart.

However, what will happen to the children? Will their father's behavior affect them? Oleg Gennadievich answers that, of course, everything has an impact on everyone, so this is another reason to act and not put up with the situation. You need to cast aside all doubts and fight the fate that has befallen you.

“If we don’t cope with our destiny, then everyone around us will suffer.” If a husband drinks, he has no mind. Children, due to their age, also do not have reason, so they cannot influence the situation. But a woman must have reason. At least one person in the house who has reason can put the fate of the whole family in place, and this is done with the help of prayer,” comments Oleg Gennadievich.

The Vedas say that a person should never tolerate violence. As soon as it appears in your life, you must immediately put up a “wall” and defend your dignity. Don't let your loved ones make a piece of cake out of you. A person has the right to be happy, and no one can take this right away from you unless you give it yourself. Therefore, for the sake of herself and her children, a woman must fight bad fate and not allow violence to ruin her life. Don't take away your right to happiness.


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