A truly rich person is not one who received material wealth and spent it on himself, but one who found a way to use what he earned not only for his own purposes, but also to help others. On the pages of this book you will find many examples and practical business tips. So we define the mission, set goals and choose means together with the doctor and psychologist Oleg Torsunov.
What pitfalls await a novice businessman or manager, and how to act in a crisis or other difficult situations? How to avoid mistakes when assembling your team? What diseases threaten an entrepreneur and how to maintain health for many years? What is business? Making money and getting super profits? Limitless power and immense possibilities?
The choice is yours. After all, “This is your BUSINESS!” - states Oleg Torsunov, relying on his experience and ancient sources of wisdom, and accompanies the reader along the entire long path from defining a goal to the very top - creating a successful and useful business for people. Which path to choose: the path of eternal anxiety, fear and uncertainty about the future or the path of goodness, stability, kindness and good luck.
Автор Торсунов Олег Геннадьевич (Ваше дело)
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© 2025, Олег Геннадьевич Торсунов