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The subtle structure of man

The book is devoted to a detailed study of human mental functions. The study of the mental structure is a key task in understanding health issues, since it is the subtle body that regulates the body.

However, modern medicine practically does not touch these issues, so people are extremely poorly aware of such fundamental concepts as mind and intelligence. Who can answer in detail the question of what the mind is, what the mind is and, finally, what the feelings are? But these phenomena are directly related to our everyday life.

Knowledge of the laws of the subtle body is necessary in order to correctly diagnose and be able to prevent many of the difficulties that we encounter. Having mastered this material, you will not only be able to understand how the human psyche works, but also learn to navigate the true causes of physical and mental problems.

— Year of publication: 2016.

— Pages: 672.

— Format: 20.5x14x3.3.

— Hard cover.