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I sit late at work, the house and children are abandoned. What to do?


December 23, 2019

I work as a doctor. I used to want to treat people. But now I’m staying late at work. The children are abandoned, and so is the house. There is some hopelessness ahead. As a result, there are a lot of comments at work. Although other people say that I am a strong person, a competent doctor, I stopped believing in it. Sometimes I listen to Torsunov’s lectures. What to do next? What am I doing wrong? Hands down.


Hello Svetlana!

This state happens in moments of extreme fatigue, when I want one thing and have to do another, when the thing I was passionate about becomes a routine and a burden. Ideally, you need to return to yourself at all levels. For the body - rest, sleep, restore strength. For joy in life, take care of your home and children. To establish yourself as a professional, take courses, read books.

Maybe you can take a break from work? Take a long vacation, for example. Should you go on a trip with your family or go alone to a sanatorium, and then renew yourself and devote time to your family? Or maybe you can shorten your working hours? Or work several days a week? In general, look for options. You urgently need time for rest, joy and growth, otherwise you may hate even your favorite thing!

I wish you to find the best option!

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