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My man is swearing. What should I do?


December 16, 2019

Hello, my name is Veronica, I'm 17 years old. I have an important question. Please tell me how I should behave or what to do if the man I love has a character trait that depresses me? Since my man is quite an emotional person due to his life experiences, he cannot fully control his emotions and often uses obscene language in colloquial speech, sometimes without noticing it. Please help. Best regards, Veronica.


Hello Veronica.

You can always ask a man to control his speech and not express himself in front of you. And he, in turn, can try hard and stop doing it. But, as life shows, for changes of this kind you need to work very seriously on your character: learn to control your emotions, your speech, always be in a state of awareness and understand what you are saying and in front of whom, process your life experience, taking the best. Is he ready? Are you ready to wait patiently? Perhaps more than one year... You are now at an age when a girl chooses a husband for herself and can consider different options: this one curses, this one is bald, this one is too old, etc. It is absolutely not necessary to become attached to everyone you meet. Maybe this is just another step where you realized that people who use obscene language oppress you? Experience gained, and it's time to move on?

I wish you happiness and a good husband!

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