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*Recognized as extremist organizations and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation

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Ведические ритуалы-рассылка

«Ведические ритуалы»

Раз в месяц проходит благотворительный ритуал, в котором вы можете принять участие.


"Tramplin" School of Personality Development

The first blissful online school for children


Education at the School of Happiness

We invite you to take part in our workshops and in a team of like-minded people to change your life for the better


"Amrita" Wellness Center

Health consultations from leading experts


Online seminars "Goodness"

Lectures and prayer retreats in any city in the world!


Building a Moral Family

Social and educational project aimed at maintaining and developing the institution of the family


House of luck

Designing a space so that you always have good health, good mood and performance at home


Club "Blagost"

Within the framework of the clubs, warm meetings are held, to which everyone who is interested in blessed communication can come.


Veda radio

Every day, 24 hours a day, you can listen to our programs calling for wisdom and happiness!