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Dear Oleg Gennadievich! Your lectures are amazing, and I think that they should especially help those people who have not yet chosen a life partner in order to see a person with their hearts. But tell me what to do if I chose with a closed heart. I haven’t seen the man, and now his qualities seem completely irreconcilable to me. And this doesn't apply to the two of us. This also applies to our two children.

Children see this terrible situation. They see that there is no warmth and mutual assistance. We live under the same roof, but we are not together. Example: a little daughter is often in the hospital. She is 2.6 years old. Any virus that my brother brings from kindergarten leads to severe vomiting, there is no way to stop it, and we go to the hospital.

Imagine the picture. Night. Two children are vomiting. They need to be soldered off, the temperature lowered, and clothes changed. I don't sleep all night and ask my husband for help. And what do I hear in response: “Listen, close the door. Don’t you see I’m sleeping.” Always like this. At the same time, the father of my children does not overwork. He lies on the couch and watches TV, and I run around like a squirrel in a wheel all day.

Yes, great advice to lie down next to. But then my children will simply die in vomit, without food or drink. I've tried a lot. She prayed, performed her duties selflessly, a person only becomes corrupted. He doesn't see me or the children. He's not interested in us. He is not involved in raising them. Just screams and pokes. Shut up. Leave. Get out! He only wants TV and food. Maybe there is no point in continuing this relationship and it is better to end it? Help!

Hello, Oleg Gennadievich!

I really count on your help. I am haunted by the fear that all men just want to sit on my neck. It all started in childhood. When my dad died, I was 7 years old. A year or two later, my mother got a man. At first, they had everything like everyone else, but over time, mom began to complain about the lack of help from him.

My mother raised my sister and me alone, working three jobs. She complained that she did not receive any financial help from him. Moreover, he always came to us just to eat and never brought anything. It got to the point that my mother would give him money for gas if we needed to go somewhere. Their relationship lasted about 10 years. After much reproach from my mother, they separated. I remembered him the way he came to us and went to the kitchen to eat.

The years passed. I met a man, at first we talked, met, then he started coming to us, and history repeated itself. He practically lived with us and never brought anything. Even for tea. I broke up with him. The problem is that this prevents me from building relationships not only personal, but also at work. There was a fear that everyone was using me or wanted to use me.

It seems to me that my men always owe me. It always seems to me that they do nothing for me, do not take financial responsibility for me. I always throw tantrums on this basis. I feel sorry for myself that I am everything to a man, and he is nothing to me. I always beg them with tears for financial support. When I get what I want, I make a note to myself that this good man helps me, supports me.

I understand that I’m wrong, but I don’t know how to work with it. I can't build strong relationships. I live in an attempt to prove that my man does everything for me. How can I work on myself?

Здравствуйте! Помог другу детства с работой, а он оказался проворным и сильным. Можно сказать, он отнял мое место. Я остался на втором плане. Как я ни пытался работать с любовью и заботой в труде и коллективе, у меня ничего не получается. Я стал номер два.

С ним я пытался много раз по-хорошему разговаривать, но он считает себя правым. Мне так обидно, что я уже не знаю, что мне делать дальше. Посещают мысли поговорить с ним жестко и по-мужски, но сомневаюсь, что это правильно. Пожалуйста, подскажите, что делать?

Здравствуйте. У меня такой вопрос: зачем мужчине заводить детей? В отношении женщин понятно — природная миссия. Я не против детей, но для себя не могу понять, зачем мне это нужно. Большинство мужчин, которых я спрашивал, также не смогли ответить, зачем завели детей.

И еще связанный с этим вопрос: возможны ли отношения и семья без детей? Каковы их особенности, и какая женщина на это пойдет? Спасибо.

Здравствуйте! Прошу помочь мне советом, как вести себя с мужем. Мой муж является эмоциональным человеком и часто проявляет негативные эмоции: раздражается, бывает агрессивным, кричит, ругается, может вспылить на пустом месте и т. д. Причем на работе и со знакомыми он так себя не ведет, а проявляется это поведение только в отношении меня и его матери.

Я пытаюсь принимать его таким, какой он есть, концентрироваться на его положительных качествах, не трогать его в моменты, когда он явно не в духе, но всё равно каждый раз обижаюсь на него, когда он начинает взрываться и ругаться на меня. Как быть в данной ситуации?